If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely you’re interested in development. Yours, other people’s or both.
We know that in any period of economic uncertainty, it’s usually the L&D roles and activity that are first for the axe.
Why? Because often the business sees it as a cost, rather than as a way to save money.
I remember all too clearly going through several rounds of project J.O.E. – Justify Our Existence – as an internal L&D professional. And luckily (or unluckily – depending on which way you look at it, as the voluntary redundancy package at one company was insanely generous) I always kept my role.
So if you’re feeling the squeeze, is it time to start sharing the cost of doing nothing?
Recent Gallup stats estimated the cost of poor management and lost productivity from either not engaged or actively disengaged employees at $8.8 trillion, or 9% of Global GDP.
And a 20 year research survey by the Saratoga Institute showed what most of us know instinctively through our own experience. That the top reason why people leave an organisation is down to poor managers.
Now, let’s get real for a second. Training isn’t a panacea. We both know that it’s not as simple as ‘Send them on a programme, magic happens, managers improve’ (if only it were!).
But training can definitely shift the dial with many of the people challenges that you see across any business. Plus it can also create a longer lasting ripple effect.
One of the participants on a Lead! programme which finished recently has just recorded a conversation with me about how she felt empowered and inspired to create a Manager Forum after just one module.
It’s a cracking example of a low / no-cost way to develop managers even if those purse strings are firmly tied. And if that’s just what you need right now, I’ve got your back! Take a look…
Meantime, what’s in your control here? How can you position yourself, your team, your services in a way that clearly demonstrates value to the business?
That’s your challenge! I would love to hear how you get on. Feel free to Leave a Comment below if you’ve got a specific challenge that you think I can help with.