The Progress Project

What will be your game changer in 2024?

what will be your game changer?

What would be the one game-changing thing for your L&D practise this year?

And once you’ve identified it, commit to spending 20 hours on it.

Here are 3 ideas for you if you’re struggling to think of something:

    1. Using AI. You’ve more than likely already dabbled with ChatGPT but are you using it to its full potential? I share tips in Build it Quickly on how to leverage it as a thinking partner for workshop design.  There are so many options such as: creating quizzes, generating scenarios, building out a marketing campaign. And AI doesn’t start and stop with Chat GPT. How about Perplexity to get free abstracts and learning sources
    2. Learning in the flow of work. Heard of it? Coined by Josh Bersin in 2018, LITFOW is all about giving people learning when it’s most needed. The point being that learning is more effective and transferable when it’s in the context of their day to day activities.
    3. Or how about performance consulting if you really want to shift the dial on the impact that L&D has in your business? It’s another topic I touch on in Build it Quickly, along with sharing a framework to get you started.

Instead of focusing on what learning needs to take place (learning needs analysis), it’s about considering more broadly what needs to happen for performance to improve.

The start point is brilliant listening, questioning and relationship building with your stakeholders. Then it’s about getting curious. How are people performing now? What does the business need from them? What could be causing the gap? How can you close it?

But how do you know if you’re making progress? How often do you stop and see what you’ve achieved, how far you’ve come?

I’m always keen to know what people want most from their L&D development, so let me know what’s top of your list by leaving a comment below.

Here’s to making progress!

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